December 2021
As new measures come into force to prevent the spread of the new COVID-19 Omicron variant, we are continuing to uphold our working practices to ensure our safety and yours. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, we have worked with our people, clients, and partners to help to prevent the spread of infection whilst still being able to provide an effective service. The measures we have implemented, despite the challenges and unpredictability of the situation, enables us to continue to provide our service. They also maintain the safety of our people and our clients. We are grateful for your continued support.
Our Procedures
We have implemented the following measures that we hope will ensure our customers experience an undisrupted service:
- Applications for building control services should be submitted, as usual, preferably using our portal at the following link:
- Our plans checking service will continue as normal. We will ensure that we respond to you quickly to either issue an approval or request further information.
- We are currently attending all site inspections as normal, but this will be based on the response to covid related questions our Operations Team will ask:
a) Has anyone had any contact with any person who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days and is required to self-isolate as per the Government guidelines?
b) Has anyone had any COVID-19 symptoms (continuous cough, fever, or loss of taste/smell) in the past 10 days and required to self-isolate as per the Government guidance?
c) Has anyone returned from a Country where they are required to self-isolate in the last 10 days as per the Government guidance?
d) If anyone experiences symptoms of COVID-19 prior to our visit they will inform us and postpone the visit until the required period has expired or until the all-clear has been given by a negative test?
e) Will they adopt the Government guidance on social distancing? (This means staying 2m away from the surveyor for the duration of the site visit)
f) Will only one person meet with our surveyor and be wearing a face covering; as our surveyor will too?
- Site surveyors will wear masks when on-site. They may ask permission to remove a mask if outside and social distancing can be maintained. They will maintain a 2m distance between themselves and others at the site. We ask that your teams do the same.
Our business continuity team will continue to hold regular meetings to develop and adapt to changes. This will ensure we remain up-to-date and able to provide our services. Staff attending our office hub will undertake lateral flow testing.
If you do have any questions, please get in touch with your HBC contact or phone 01438 879990.
Our Working Practices Infographic:
Additional advice:
For the latest advice from the Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England: